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It is a free platform that allows the creation of evaluation quizzes. It is a tool by which the teacher creates contests in the classroom to learn or reinforce learning and where students are the contestants.

It is a digital platform that offers the possibility of creating collaborative murals. It works as a virtual collaborative whiteboard where teacher and students can work at the same time, within the same environment.

OVA: according to Chiappe, Segovia and Rincón (2007) cited by Chiappe (2016), a Virtual Learning Object -OVA-, «is a reusable digital entity, self-contained, with a clear educational purpose and constituted by at least three editable internal components: contents, learning activities and contextualization elements». This is how some of the basic study materials are presented. There you will find instructions on how to navigate the OVA.

AMV: are subjects mediated by virtuality that are offered within the face-to-face modality with the purpose of providing students with the possibility of a semi-presential attendance, since these subjects alluding to article of Decree 1075 of 2015 have a face-to-face evaluative component between 20% and 60%.

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But the numbers are not enough to celebrate yet. Growth continues to pose a huge challenge, and growth of less than 3 percent is not enough to reduce poverty and unemployment. On the business front, much of the growth in profits and sales in 2018 is explained by the rise in international commodity prices, especially oil.

But the difficulties the Government has had in achieving coalitions that allow it to move forward with its main projects, as well as political polarization, have ended up affecting confidence. And without confidence, many indicators suffer the consequences.

7. CARTAGENA REFINERY. It is worth noting that in 2018 the net loss before impairment calculation was USD 47 million, which compared to a net loss before impairment recovery in 2017 (which was USD 416 million positive) represents an improvement in results in 2018 by USD 369 million. This is mainly due to higher ebitda, deferred tax adjustment and lower financial expenses.

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Durante casi una década USAID ha trabajado con las comunidades afrocolombianas e indígenas para proteger su forma de vida. Conozca cómo las comunidades de la selva del Pacífico en Colombia están salvaguardando los bosques tropicales con mayor biodiversidad del mundo.

El proyecto de la USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management utiliza la tecnología de los drones para aumentar la entrega de productos sanitarios y muestras de laboratorio en zonas de difícil acceso.

En Tayikistán, USAID distribuyó 600 libros en Braille a escuelas y clases especializadas en 2020. Gracias a USAID, ahora los niños con baja visión tienen acceso a libros en Braille y más oportunidades para leer.

Desde 2016, USAID ha apoyado a Senegal en la implementación de un programa nacional de lectura temprana utilizando tres idiomas nacionales. Este vídeo muestra un aula, destacando el impacto positivo que ha logrado el programa Lecture Pour Tous.


Our commitment with the development of solutions that adapt to new challenges and the successful experiences in different clients and markets, allow us to provide an adequate advice to each consultation or need.

A team of highly trained and motivated engineers and technicians allows us to provide a quality service without depending on third parties or other companies without the focus on the business of integrated securities processing. Our central spare parts warehouse with more than 6000 inventory positions, are a central element to be able to react effectively and efficiently to the needs of the market. .

Our clear strategy of teamwork and permanent focus on continuous improvement allows us to add value and enhance not only our growth but also that of our customers with whom we establish long-term relationships.

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